Room 117

This is a room where people come and leave: leave wet towels on the bathroom floor, leave half-full beer bottles on the nightstand, leave the bed unmade, hair on the toilet seat, stains on the ceiling, glitter in the carpet, holes in the wall, leave their wives, their lives, a mess for the morning maid. And after an hour, a day, a month they leave all that they left.
And you check in.

First story: big party, we can’t see clear people face just only one that is the future bride. Everybody is jumping on the bed, drinking, dancing. In the morning the maid is cleaning the glitter and the confetti from the carpet.

Second story: middle age couple putting their pajamas, separating the beds like at home, brushing their teeth, going to bed and closing the light. In the morning the maid is cleaning and put the beds together again.

Story no 3: one model and the team of photographers they are doing a calendar! The big lamps are broken the electricity system in the room. In the morning the maid is cleaning and trying to find a solution for the light.

Story no 4: young couple fighting accusing each other for non senses. We hear the door and just after we see the boy playing with the lighter alone. In the morning the maid is cleaning the ashtray full of cigarettes and the bottle of whisky.

After some weeks
The bride is cleaning alone in the kitchen almost desperate because of the mess.
The middle age couple is kissing each other and decides to move the beds together.
The model is in the office of unemployment trying to get a job.
The boy is an aqua park having fun with the maid.

The end

One more idea for a short

Two foreign girls have just arrived in Lisbon and they are driving around in their rent-a-car. They are absorbed by the city map and they are trying to find out where they are. Looking away for a few seconds they run over some guy who is crossing the street. A Spaniard who was passing by, rushes to the scene. One of the foreigners panics and the other one tries to get out to see what they hit, but she wraps herself up with the sit-belt. The Spaniard comes and knocks at their car window. He is asking for a phone to call for an ambulance. They exit the car and ask him for the same, because they don’t understand spanish and also don't have a phone. One of the girls tries to talk to the victim while the other one tries to understand the Spanish. The first one searches the victim for a phone, but once he finds, it there is no reception. The Spanish tries to talk to the victim as well. The others look for a phone booth. They find it, pick up the phone and look at each other. One of them says ‘Which number should we call?’. They look up and see that the number is 112 and dial it. They try to explain where they are to the INEM guy and he does a bunch of stupid questions to which they can only answer the basics. They read the name of the street and try to explain what happened. When they return to the car to check the victim and wait for the ambulance, it's all gone – only some tire marks and a blood staind on the floor.

Another idea

Genre: Fiction

(Germany – we have subtitles in English) A group of people are seating on a sofa. They are looking in an album and talking stories about pictures. Someone is saying: “ooo look here … I was on exchange in Poland”. In this moment picture is becoming alive and they are in Disco in Poland. They are dancing. On a radio is some famous song someone say: “I remember this song when we were in Bulgarian”. This moment they change place. They are in Bulgaria and driving with car. They are listening same song as in disco. They are going to place where filming with other Bulgarian people. At one time movie become a real movie. We see people from Slovenia watching this movie on TV. Someone from Slovenian people recognize a friend in movie. He (She) is calling her. At this moment when he (she) taking they appear in same place (Portugal). They are on a place where they first met. They are picturing with other people from EU and working on some project. At this time someone from Germany take a picture. This picture is become a picture in album. He (She) close an album and say something like “nice to be part of EU”.

Lisbon idea (Bulgarian Team)

The Story

Two guys are travelling to Madrid to look for one of their grandmother’s old lovers that they have promised to find and bring back for her 90’th birthday. But they fall asleep and wake up unknowingly in Lisbon.

After arrival they try to find the guy, they have an address to go to, but when they arrive and ask for mr. Gonzalez, it turns out that the person livin in this apartment with that name has moved out, but they get another hint to how they might be able to find him, and by followin leads they travel around Lisbon searchin for a guy, who is actually living in Madrid.

Because of this obvious problem in their search, they end up without result and without the guy.

They ponder on what to do, but in the end takes the decision that it is such a long time ago granny was here, so they can bring whoever they want back, and she will not notice.

Upon arrival back home, and when they show the guy to granny, they get quite a shock as she reveals that this is not her boyfriend from Spain, it’s her another boyfriend from Portugal.

And the conclusion to the story is that they where actually in Lisbon and not in Madrid.

Things that could happen in the story:

* The lover from Spain could also arrive in the last scene.
* There could be a love story, with seeing the character in more places through the story (without the spectator actually notices him/her).
* Odd personalities are always funny.
* Trams are a nice location (and are very typical).
* A party is always nice. (So we need parties in the exchange for research).

Slovenian Story

A group of Polish people are seating in a sofa and watching some pictures in an album (facebook) – talking in Polish. Zoom on a picture - there is some clear sign that the photo is from Slovenia. From the picture starts the movie about the happening in Poland (dancing in a disco). There is a song that repeats in the next shot. They are driving in the car and listening to it – speaking Portuguese. The camera zooms out and u can see it’s on the TV and the Spanish are watching it – some chat in Spanish. It zooms on a detail (cactus?) when it zooms out u can see a Bulgarian girl, she’s talking to a friend and drinking coffee from a cup with a picture of two Turkish guys, the movie jumps there. They are watching some photos (putting it into a frame?). The movie ends with a shoot of all the actors from the movie. The photo “gets alive” and the actors leave the scene.

All the conversations have English subtitles.

1. Poland (3 persons), home environment
2. Slovenia (7), disco
3. Portugal (2), car
4. Spain (3), home environment
5. Bulgaria (2), home environment
6. Turkey (2), home environment