Lisbon idea (Bulgarian Team)

The Story

Two guys are travelling to Madrid to look for one of their grandmother’s old lovers that they have promised to find and bring back for her 90’th birthday. But they fall asleep and wake up unknowingly in Lisbon.

After arrival they try to find the guy, they have an address to go to, but when they arrive and ask for mr. Gonzalez, it turns out that the person livin in this apartment with that name has moved out, but they get another hint to how they might be able to find him, and by followin leads they travel around Lisbon searchin for a guy, who is actually living in Madrid.

Because of this obvious problem in their search, they end up without result and without the guy.

They ponder on what to do, but in the end takes the decision that it is such a long time ago granny was here, so they can bring whoever they want back, and she will not notice.

Upon arrival back home, and when they show the guy to granny, they get quite a shock as she reveals that this is not her boyfriend from Spain, it’s her another boyfriend from Portugal.

And the conclusion to the story is that they where actually in Lisbon and not in Madrid.

Things that could happen in the story:

* The lover from Spain could also arrive in the last scene.
* There could be a love story, with seeing the character in more places through the story (without the spectator actually notices him/her).
* Odd personalities are always funny.
* Trams are a nice location (and are very typical).
* A party is always nice. (So we need parties in the exchange for research).

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